Pippa Rochford group

December 2019

You corresponded with my daughter Pippa Rochford regarding the letting of The Beech Tree at Coniston for Xmas week — my husband and I were the oldies of the party of our four children plus their husbands/wives and our ten grandchildren and I just wanted to say how very much we all appreciated the marvellous Xmas decorations. We’d have been perfectly happy to find one Xmas tree — but three, and all the other lovely decorations as well — we just thought wow!!!  It must have taken you ages to put them all up and thank you very, very much for such a kind thought and all that effort. Everything went splendidly, the house is so well equipped that we lacked for nothing, we all had a wonderful week and being a quiet family group I can assure you we certainly did not disturb any neighbours!


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